A Critical Advantages to Using an Experienced, Certified Installer

A Critical Advantages to Using an Experienced, Certified Installer

Robin Brodie 2442
  1. Eagle eyes. Installers know that relying on a level or tape measure isn’t always enough. A critical eye is often even more important, especially in homes with irregular ceiling and floor lines. Skilled installers trust their vision and sense of balance when they stand back and check their work.
  2. Additional tools. Steam, wrinkle-release spray, and his hands are essential tools an installer uses to achieve the desired look when “dressing” a drapery treatment. For example, the folds in pleated and gathered draperies should be rounded, not creased, which requires a little extra effort and ample expertise. These special touches differentiate a finished custom product from the ready-made draperies found in department store catalogs.
  3. Precise hardware installation. The placement of drapery hardware is just as important as the hardware itself. An exceptional window treatment requires the proper positioning of brackets, poles, and rings. Also, a qualified installer will accurately miter poles for bay window and corner applications.